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    Shorts Gardens

    London Borough of Camden

    Shorts Gardens Project Overview

    The scheme comprises the refurbishment of a former electricity substation within central London for commercial use at Shorts Gardens. The existing building contained a substantial basement and directly overlies the Elizabeth Underground Line.

    Scope of Works

    We were required to design and carry out a ground investigation to characterise geotechnical and hydrogeological conditions at the site. The investigation was also required to confirm the foundation arrangements of the existing building.

    Following the ground investigation, we were also commissioned to undertake ground movement analyses to assess the potential impact on the underground line. We initially consulted with Crossrail to agree on modelling methodology and avoid potential abortive work.

    Value Added

    The presence of the underground tunnel was a significant investigation and development constraint. Through early liaison with the tunnel owners and detailed ground movement analysis, Soiltechnics were able to assist the designers to get approval for the scheme.

    Get in touch with us

    We work with clients of all sizes, from developers, building contractors, private companies, local authorities and individuals, on a wide variety of projects spanning major infrastructure, commercial, residential, educational, land development and restoration.
    © Soiltechnics 2025