We undertake desk studies to support planning applications on behalf of our Clients. The process is low-cost but offers a high-value return through the early identification of geotechnical and geo-environmental hazards.
The desk study findings then inform the design of intrusive ground investigation works to quantify the potential issues.
Our desk studies comprise a professional review of several sources of information. These include historical maps, Coal Authority records, geological maps, Local Authority information and more.
We review information from each source and consolidate the findings in the form of a conceptual model of the site.
We conduct site walkovers to confirm the current condition of the site and to validate some of the findings of the desk study; for example evidence of slope instability.
The simple answer is that most planning authorities require Phase 1 desk studies as part of any planning application! Desk studies can also be used to inform a land sale or acquisition by identifying risk at an early stage
However, the process is more than a box-ticking exercise! It can add significant value to a project, whilst helping save cost, as shown by the examples below.