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    Bankside Yards


    Bankside Yards Project Overview

    The project at Bankside Yards comprised a mixed-use development at the site. The development was spread over three multi-storey buildings, with the greatest being 50 storeys. The development also included split-level basements across the site.

    Scope of Works

    Initially the Soiltechnics team had been commissioned to undertake a desk study review of available information and following this scope a ground investigation. We then undertook the ground investigation to confirm ground and groundwater conditions at the site. The investigation also included specialist pressuremeter testing and the installation of multi-level vibrating wire piezometers with post-fieldwork monitoring. Additionally, we provided geotechnical and geo-environmental consultancy throughout the project.

    Value Added

    The ground investigation commenced in conjunction with the demolition of the existing structure. The Soiltechnics team co-ordinated the ground investigation to make sure that the required design information was obtained efficiently and effectively to avoid design delays. This included consultation with a number of third parties including the demolition contractor, Environment Agency, Network Rail, Transport for London and Southwark Council.

    The targeted ground investigation and specialist testing in boreholes allowed geotechnical parameters to be refined. This in turn meant that the piled foundation solution could be optimised for the project.

    Get in touch with us

    We work with clients of all sizes, from developers, building contractors, private companies, local authorities and individuals, on a wide variety of projects spanning major infrastructure, commercial, residential, educational, land development and restoration.
    © Soiltechnics 2025