Canada Water Redevelopment

Southwark, London, UK

Canada Water Project Overview

Canada Water once comprised over 460 acres of docks and ponds. The dock specialised in Anglo-Canadaian trade, hence the name. The dock went into decline after the Second World War. Since the 1970s the general area has been through a period of redevelopment including the construction of Surrey Quays Shopping Centre.

The mixed-use redevelopment continues and Soiltechnics has been involved in several phases of the wider investigation works at Canada Water.

Scope of Works

As a broad overview, our scope comprised undertaking ground investigation works at various sites within the overall masterplan area. We then supplemented these investigations with geotechnical and environmental consultancy.

As part of the scheme we also undertook investigation works over water within the dock alongside an environmental watching brief to monitor water quality within the dock during the fieldwork.

Value Added

Working proactively with the Client and overall project team we overcame a series of ground-related challenges. These included drilling in very difficult ground conditions containing timber and concrete obstructions. We overcame this by drilling with a mix of techniques to achieve the specification depths and high-quality samples.

We provided consistency to the Client whilst working alongside a number of different structural engineers on separate phases within the master plan.

canada water site work

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We work with clients of all sizes, from developers, building contractors, private companies, local authorities and individuals, on a wide variety of projects spanning major infrastructure, commercial, residential, educational, land development and restoration.
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