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    Structural Building Fabric Surveys

    Using various techniques, we can investigate the form, spatial distribution and condition of existing structural elements. These works are frequently undertaken alongside ground investigations at the site. Our ability to offer both services in-house offers potential economic benefits to our clients. The findings are usually required to support demolition, pre-purchase diligence, remedial works or redevelopment.
    Dr Matthew Hooper
    Director - Building Fabric
    James French
    Associate Director

    FabricSurveys investigate the existing construction of a building or structure providing information on its form, construction, condition and lifespan. The findings are usually required to support demolition, pre-purchase diligence, legislation, insurance risks, fire risk, remedial works or redevelopment.

    Renovating and re-purposing structures provides a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to demolition and new construction. Our dedicated team of experts, working nationwide, support owners, investors, structural engineers, architects and other stakeholders, de-risking sites.

    With extensive experience, on projects varying from vacant warehouses, domestic properties, occupied commercial offices, river walls to Grade I Listed buildings, our FabricSurveys Team continue to explore innovative techniques to investigate structures with minimal impact on site operation.

    These works are frequently undertaken alongside ground investigations. Our ability to offer both services in-house offers potential economic benefits to our clients.

    We are always researching new investigation approaches to best meet our Clients’ needs. Consequently, we are confident we can provide competitive proposals to address any structural fabric investigation requirement.

    What Our Clients Say

    Matthew Hill – Project Manager, Southwark Council.

    “Soiltechnics has provided a range of soil reports, ground investigation surveys, remediation strategies and verification reports for parks and open space improvement projects in Southwark. They have also provided clear and concise expert advice on ground/soil related issues which have occurred during the construction phase. Soiltechnics is a valued, reliable consultant we will continue to approach for similar schemes.”

    Gavin Williams – Senior Pre Construction Surveyor, Willmott Dixon Construction Ltd.

    “Having worked with Soiltechnics for almost ten years, they are considered a trusted member of our supply chain. Soiltechnics completed a robust selection process which highlighted their ability to perform with the utmost professionalism in regards to customer service, value for money and site safety. It is trusted consultants like Soiltechnics who we can depend on in our pursuit to provide the perfect product for our customers.”

    Nathan Pickering – Regional Operations Lead, Vision Survey.

    “Vision Survey has worked with Soiltechnics for several years, initially forging a strong working relationship with their Manchester office, which has since expanded to include our respective southern offices. We appreciate their excellent professional conduct, their collaborative working approach and ultimately, in knowing that we can rely on them to meet our requirements.

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    Get in touch with us

    We work with clients of all sizes, from developers, building contractors, private companies, local authorities and individuals, on a wide variety of projects spanning major infrastructure, commercial, residential, educational, land development and restoration.
    © Soiltechnics 2025